I'm Dave Raley, and I created this blog to provide bite-sized chunks from the eBook What Matters Now for your enjoyment.
Like many people, I prefer to consume content drip, drip, drip. Reading blogs, articles, tweets, etc. all day long, but rarely spending the time to dive in and read a book cover to cover.
So when What Matters Now came out in December 2009, I found myself intimidated by the firehose of powerful ideas packed within. It sat on my desk for several months. Until I realized - it's just in the wrong format for people like me! I don't want a book sitting on my desk, or a PDF on my desktop - I needed What Matters Now in a bite-sized format. A blog format.
So this is what the What Matters Now Blog is - one idea at at time, spaced a couple days apart. I hope this gives you some time to reflect on on
the richness of the ideas within.
I live and work just outside Seattle, Washington. I'm passionate about nonprofits and marketing, and have the blessing to be able spend every day doing making a difference in the lives of people around the world.